Thursday, March 5, 2009

the fight against economic colonization in Indonesia

In Indonesia today, a crisis is brewing between Indonesian President Suharto and the International Monetary Fund. with the world being shaken by a long, drawn out recession, nations not as strong or as resilient as the United States have been hit the hardest and are in dire situations. one such nation is Indonesia who has seen its currency drop by 30% and is facing more problems if help is not recieved. however as help is being offered by the IMF, many in Indonesia, such as the President himself, are hesitant and unwilling to follow IMF demands. in the New York Times article, "Crisis Aside, What Pains Indonesia Is the Humilation" Seth Mydans explains the complicated scenario of economic colonization. economic colonization is the buying up of a country by companies and the influence such companies weild in being able to make decisions in the countrys government. President Suharto explains his unwillingness to accept IMF help due to differing opinions on what should be done to help the Indonesian economy. while IMF is willing to fund plans to help, it also demands to be in control of how the money is spent and where/who it is given to. President Suharto has his own plans to help the economy that include setting an artificially strong rate of currency which could presently help the economy but could cause major problems in the future. another controversial issue is that President Suharto would be spending money to help his own family and relatives who own enterprises that have weakened during the recession.
in the end President Suharto is looking out for the best interests of Indonesia. the problem with economic colonization in a global economy is that the nation whos economy is being controlled by others is being used to help the colonizing nations. just as in the past with China, western powerful nations fed off the wealth of china. the economy created in China was to bring wealth to the west not to china itself. this is one of the major problems with economic colonization esp. in a global economy where larger, powerful, and wealthier nations have an advantage over smaller, weaker nations. because of this, often these smaller nations are taken advantage of and used to profit others. for this reason i think it is smart of President Suharto to protect Indonesia from economic colonization and create a better arrangement with IMF so that Indonesia will be controlled and run by Indonesians, not outsiders.

New York Times; "Crisis Aside, What Pains Indonesia Is the Humiliation" By Seth Mydans

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