Thursday, February 5, 2009

Artical #4

Article 4.

* No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Slavery ended in the U.S. when the 13th amendment was ratified. But in some forms it is still being practiced in the United States. The black-market is a place where a version of where a form of slavery still exist. This article does apply to the top or visual evidence of slavery but no to the underground businesses, and the many Americans who pay top dollar for an illegal immigrant nanny. Many of these people are brought to the United States illegally, some are brought by car, boat etc. The ones who come over are coming to get jobs so that they can make money to send back to their families. The reason why this article stuck out to me is because recently I had been rein formed about the Golden Venture story. These men and women wanted to come to the united states for a better opportunity, but the cost of the trip was a lot for many of them to pay so they were in debut to the manager of the mission, and had to pay off their debut by being sold or working for them. Even with this article there is still slavery going on all around us.

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