Wednesday, February 4, 2009

America: Behind in the Times (Article 16)

Article 16 in the “International Bill of Human Rights,” states, “Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality, or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.” It also states “Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.” (Carter, 8)

I believe this Article clearly refutes all ideas and legislation in America, which denounce same-sex marriages. Several states in the Northeast recognize gay marriages but almost 48 states in America do not. In November California actually voted to reverse its legislation, which allowed same sex marriage. So, to recap, first they allowed it, and then they thought about it and over turned it. ( How can the overwhelming majority of America be denying a human right to its citizens in a country that prides itself on being the land of the free? Marriage is one of the most basic human rights for individuals and no person should be denied it. Article 26 clearly states that a marriage must “be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.” The word spouse does not define a man and women. The beginning of the article clearly addresses that this is a universal human right, which everyone should be able to enjoy. I thought it was an individual’s private life behind bedroom doors. Why can the government stick their head in your window and tell you what can and cannot happen in that room between two consenting adults. The bigger issue is that these individuals are denies the rights couples enjoy in America. They stay together for years but because they aren’t legally married they cannot enjoy the benefits of marriage. If we can accept marriage as a human right it seems the hold up is religion. Now this shouldn’t be the case at all because we have the freedom of religion and others shouldn’t be pressured by other beliefs. It seems as though America needs to take a look at its government and smoke out all aspects of religion in it. Why should someone who believes in gay marriage not be able to marry because of someone else’s Christian beliefs in Washington DC. This whole situation seems childish and the money and time Washington DC is wasting on the issue while there is a war going on seems irresponsible. The first day gay marriages were made legal in Massachusetts, “More than 1,000 gay and lesbian couples streamed into city and town halls across the state yesterday seeking licenses to marry.” ( How can the government deny happiness to this many people especially when the marriages have no ill affect on their lives? It seems this is another issue that America is behind the times in.


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