Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What's The Name Of Your Freedom?

Our discussion of freedom of speech was great. I take the first amendment very seriously since it’s the reason why I go to school. I am a broadcast journalism major here at Quinnipiac. As a communication student I learned the ins and outs of the first amendment. I can analyze the different forms of expression, and what scrutiny is assigned to each. What is interesting is the fact speech is a freedom awarded to us its not entirely free. Our government puts a lit of restriction on speech although the general presumption that prior restraint on speech is unconstitutional.

Our government makes certain speech illegal. Including matters of national security, false advertising, and special protection to children. There are administrative legal agencies, and commercial agencies that over see matters of communication as well. Specifically having free speech and press will benefit the country. Free press feeds into democracy. Having a free press will facilitate the free world, and contribute to the marketplace of ideas. Freedom of speech and press will hold our countries leaders accountable for their actions, and allow normal people to be involved in government decision-making.

It’s nice to live in a world that allows people to fight for what they believe in. If an American disagrees with a political action he or she can band together. Unfortunately I cannot say the same about Cuba. In communist Cuba citizens can certainly have feelings, however when they voice their opinion their government will stop them.

The New York Times has written an article depicting the high hopes of Obama’s relations with the communist island. A lot of Cubans are happy. They cannot express their happiness because although a democratic nation is coming within Cuban reach it still is not a sure bet. “Mr. Obama also said he would make it possible for American companies to vastly increase cell phone service in Cuba, enabling Cubans whom Raúl Castro allowed to buy cell phones to actually get to use them.” Communism seems to never complete the action. Here is a perfect example of how tricky it can be when here is prior restraint on speech in a country like Cuba.

This directly relates to my thesis. It is simple. America sets the example for the rest of the country, and we utilize freedom of speech as far as we can. Here is an interesting case where America’s freedoms can directly help a country who does not award such freedoms to it’s own citizens.


  1. I totally agree with you on how if Americans disagree they can band together to try and get something changed, and in Cuba they can't. This is something we see alot at Quinnipiac- for example when graduation was going to be changed from the quad to TD bank north, the students banned together and were able to get the policy changed. I doubt that a similar situation would have happened successfully in Cuba. I also was unaware of the Cell Phone situation in that country. I can't imagine not having a cell phone and I also couldn't imagine living in a country where only certain people are allowed to have such things. It's amazing how much we take for granted in our country.

  2. I like how you talk about the importance of free speech, especially in America. It is an important part of our society becuase it allows people to freely express themselves and their ideas as well as keep our government in check. It allows for us to hold our leaders accountable and to express our opinions and worries when we feel that our leaders and our government are doing an ineffective job. It is sad to read about countries, such as Cuba, where such speech is not allowed and therefore the government is not held accountable and the people suffer because of that.

  3. Free speech is so important and I'm glad how you're talking about it in America. If people were allowed to have free speech in America, society would be much different, most likely not as advanced. People don't take the time to realize in America how lucky they are to be able to express themselves however they wish and to be able to believe in whatever they want. Like Brendan mentioned, places like Cuba defintiely have a link of lack of freedom of speech to the advancement of their society. That is a perfect example.
