Monday, January 26, 2009

QU301 Blog 1

It is evident after reading both FDR’s and Obama’s speeches that both had similar issues to deal with.
Both speak of “freedom from want” which FDR clearly states in his address to congress as such and is saying that it is a goal of the United States to have all nations in a time of peace and not be greedy or selfish. Obama states in his address how the United States is willing to extend a hand to anyone who is “ready to unclench their fist” meaning the U.S. is willing to befriend any country so long as their interest is for peace for all nations.
Something that both presidents speak of is change, and the power of it. Roosevelt states that the United States has always been involved in change and that it is an aid in keeping peace. That peace is kept by updating the country with change. Obama’s entire campaign was on the platform that the United States once again needs change. Obama speaks of changing jobs, transportation, health care, schooling, communication and energy. That the U.S. needs to change its way of thinking in order to keep up with not only the rest of the nations in the world, but the environment of the Earth itself. Change seems to be what keeps the United States a superpower of the world. The United States needs to change again and evaluate its actions for the future in order to be able to safely hand over the legacy of the United States to future generations.
President Roosevelt stated that it is crucial to make sure there is freedom from fear, meaning that there doesn’t need to be any physical aggression between any two parties anywhere in the world. President Obama spoke directly to terrorists around the world stating America’s spirit is strong and “ cannot be broken” and the United States will defeat them. Both presidents found it necessary to state how the U.S. will not tolerate bullying or aggression and we are a strong, unified country.

President Obama and President Roosevelt both spoke in ways to encourage hope and instill belief in all of their citizens. Yet, both presidents had a tone of seriousness and that it was time to “get down to business” and start to change the country for the better right away. In order to keep the United States strong, we must keep electing strong leaders like Roosevelt and Obama that will lead the country into greatness.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you also noticed the emphasis of change in both of speeches, I did as well.
